17 Aug 2018
What is Biomimetic Hormone Restoration
What is the role of the hypothalamus and what is it? It is a gland in the brain that is responsible for regulating the body's endocrine functions, sleep patterns, sex drive, thirst, hunger and interacts with the pituitary/adrenal axis, ovary or testes axis in feedback loops to direct action. This is the wifi communication of your brain and body organs.
The hypothalamus releases chemical messengers called FSH-RF (follicle stimulating hormone releasing factor) which signals to the pituitary gland to secrete FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) into the blood stream, which will cause follicles in your ovaries to mature. Mature follicles then release estrogen into the bloodstream and over a period of about seven-ten days this increase in estrogen and rising inhibin levels peak to regulate FSH and shut it down and speaks to the hypothalamus to release LH-RF (lutenizing hormone releasing factor, which will signal to the pituitary gland to release LH (lutenizing hormone) and this surge of LH triggers ovulation.
While this is occurring changes are occurring in your cervical mucous. It becomes like the consistency of an egg white with which sperm can be transported in to fertilize that dominant follicle. As the increase in estrogen occurs, growth actually slows in the lining of the uterus. Lower levels of estrogen cause the lining of the uterus to grow and thicken. The corpus luteum produces large amounts of progesterone and some estrogen that will last 14 days unless pregnancy occurs and then the placenta will take over to produce progesterone to maintain the pregnancy. However, if pregnancy does not occur, the progesterone receptor that estrogen has created will be turned off.
When a female hits menopause, there are not enough eggs inside the ovary to reach a peak to provoke LH.
A period is when fertilization and implantation do not occur. The spiral arteries of the uterine lining close off, stopping the blood flow to the surface of the lining. The blood will pool into the venous veins and once full will burst and with the endometrial lining form the menstrual flow. Most periods last 4 to 6 days, but this length varies as estrogen production falls periods will get shorter and lighter.
Ovulation occurs about 14-16 days before a female has her period. The second half of the cycle, called the luteal phase of the cycle, is fairly consistent and is always 14 days. The first part, called the follicular phase of the cycle, can vary person to person and from cycle to cycle, depending on estrogen.
Signals that you may need to start replacing your hormones include the signs of fluctuating estrogen receptor activity which includes hot flashes, night sweats, changes in your sleep pattern, heart palpitations, headaches, migraines, energy changes, brain fog, depression, anxiety, irritability. Some of these symptoms are also from inadequate progesterone and progesterone receptor activity as well, due to no ovulatory cycles
Gretchen Jones
I have a passion to help women improve their quality of life through hormone replacement. Our female bio hormones (estradiol/estrone/progesterone) decline to zero at some point as we get older, due to the fact that we are born with a set amount of eggs in our ovaries.